Pelicano Sport

Scuba diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, sailing, parasailing, Pelicano Sport offers you adventures from the blue depth of the ocean to the blue of our tropical sky. Pelicano Sport is one of the market’s leaders on the eastern coast of the Dominican Republic in Punta Cana and Bavaro and is recognized as one of the best water sports companies in the Caribbean.
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Scuba certification agency

Arrival Time Morning Dive | 8:00 AM |
Gear Cleaning | Place to Clean Gear |
Transportation | Available |
On-Site Parking | Available |
Water Temperature | 75°F-85°F | 25°C-30°C |
Dive Types
These scuba adventures take divers out on a boat to reach their diving destination. It is recommended that divers are comfortable taking a giant stride or a back roll entrance into the water.
A night dive offers the chance to experience marine life that can only be seen in the dark. Rocks and colors appear more vivid and even familiar spots become mysterious.
Coral reefs are beautiful and endangered ecosystems that are bursting with life and color. Reef dives are among the most popular types of scuba diving.
This type of dive goes to shipwrecks or plane wrecks so that divers can explore the thriving ecosystems that have developed in these fascinating underwater museums.
Contact Info
AddressHotel Vik Arena Blanca y Ocean Blue Bávaro Arena Gorda, Bávaro, Punta Cana 23000, Dominican Republic
Shop Hours
- Everyday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM